Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Beginning it goes....I'm finally starting a blog after two years of thinking about it. (Sometimes it takes me a while to get motivated!!) :)  A couple years ago I met an adorable girl who had a blog.  I remember staying up late reading all of her entries and being totally fascinated with the idea of having one too.  I really wanted to start blogging, but had no idea how to begin nor did I feel I had anything to blog about.  After feeling a bit discouraged, I put the idea on a shelf and went about my life.....but never truly forgetting about it.
      Recently I ran across some beautiful style blogs and kind of became obsessed!!  That's when my little tucked away dream of beginning a blog popped up again.  I wanted to start a blog, but the same problems came idea where to begin and what in the world did I have to share with anyone.  That's when I ran across a quote that truly spoke to me. I found it the Southern Lady magazine my sweetie picked up for me at the grocery store.  The quote goes as follows:

"I'd like to add some beauty to life," said Anne dreamily.  " I don't exactly want to make people KNOW more...though I know that IS the noblest ambition...but I'd love to make them have a pleasanter time because of have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn't been born."

-L.M. Montgomery

      I fell in love with this quote because it's SO me!!  I just want to make people have a pleasanter time because I crossed their path.  That's when I came up with my title Look for the Lovely.  My life is full of so many ordinary events (dishes, diapers, dust.....), but if I take the time to look closely I can spot lovely moments that I can share with others.  And so began the blog.  
     I hope you will take a moment to pop in and see some of the lovely parts of my life and also take the time to look for the ones scattered throughout your life too!! 

Here are a couple pictures of my favorite Little Lovely....Miss Payton Alexandra

Enjoying her first All Schools Day in McPherson, KS

All smiles while playing at the park

1 comment:

  1. Angela, I'm so excited you're blogging! You will be so great at it! And it really is so much fun, and a great way to chronicle your life. So excited to read more! Welcome to blog land! : )
